January 21, 2016

Seattle 6.0

January 4, 2016


It has been the best time of my life. From making lifetime friends, going through a major heartbreak, running away from cops, surviving bar crawls, bonding late night with roommates, destroying my liver, and living the full college experience to finally saying good bye. Later college--it's off to chasing more dreams and of course, drinks!

August 28, 2015

Ms. 305

There's nothing better than sunbathing under the Miami sun. This city did live up to it's expectation when I first arrive. Beautiful skies, beaches, people, and of course cars. It definitely is what one would call "paradise."

April 9, 2015

Spring Break Forever

Squad so turnt, we became Sqad ;) So turnt we got in trouble with the law more than I can remember... if I can remember anything from this week. I'm glad I got to experience something our mothers would not approved of. 

January 18, 2015

San Fran

My friends and I traveled up to the Bay Area during our winter break. We did so much in our 3 days stay and also worked out our legs and glutes. Frisco's 90 degree street ain't no joke.